IFPA Launches New TV Spot to Combat Insurance Fraud

TV showing money with the words Insurance Fraud over it.

The Pennsylvania Insurance Fraud Authority (IFPA) is proud to announce the launch of a compelling new television campaign, aimed at raising awareness about the critical issue of insurance fraud. This initiative, rooted in the findings of the landmark research study, “Who Me? – Who Commits Insurance Fraud and Why,” conducted by Verisk and the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud (CAIF), seeks to educate the public on how insurance fraud affects everyone and to encourage policyholders to take a stand against it.

Insurance fraud is not merely a victimless crime; it has real consequences for every policyholder. It drives up the cost of insurance policies, ultimately affecting families and communities throughout the commonwealth.

“Our new TV spot serves as a wake-up call to all Pennsylvanians about the reality and repercussions of insurance fraud,” said Christopher Sloan, Executive Director of IFPA. “We want people to understand that insurance fraud is a felony that ultimately costs households an additional $900 in insurance policy premiums.”

The :30 spot (and its companion :15 spot) is designed to capture viewers’ attention with a movie trailer-like start, followed by scenarios and straightforward messaging to educate the public while illustrating the negative impact of insurance fraud.

Check out the new TV spots here:

:30 Cost of Fraud | https://youtu.be/svdgQgm0auQ?si=lmP5jUdXG1iBdBta

:15 Cost of Fraud | https://youtu.be/EeUen2sC6GU?si=eyNkLWn89fAu1Ptl