Making citizens aware of the serious issue of insurance fraud is critical to Pennsylvania’s fraud-fighting effort. The premise is that if people like you know what insurance fraud is, the severity of the crime, and its potential risks and consequences, the less likely you will be to commit it. However, research conducted for this campaign found that most Pennsylvania insurance consumers do not know exactly what insurance fraud is — so that’s where this campaign begins.1
Each hard-hitting, informative campaign component illustrates a different type of fraud through the use of a real-life situation. In TV spots and radio commercials, scenarios depict a “point of decision” where the unwary or unwise consumer could make a bad choice.
And for new and younger drivers, we used cartoons, comics and humor to get their attention and educate them so they make the right decisions down the road.
While research found that most people do not and would not commit insurance fraud,2 these messages reach out to those with the capacity to engage in criminal activity with cautions about the potential penalties and consequences of such actions. The objective of the campaign is to reduce instances of “opportunistic” fraud — situations where people are presented with opportunities to make a good or bad decision.